Thursday, 20 June 2013

And Finally...


Review your presentation and see if you met the critical question or statement (The Promise) you first opened with.

Did I keep my promise?
Was my audience happy with my answer to the promise?
Did I leave them with any questions?
If so, what questions did they ask? (Then you can incorporate it into the next presentation)

Remember that all experienced speakers did not just start off like that. They all learned with experience. So, practice! If you go to school, use opportunities such as presentations to build on this skill and remember the 9 Techniques!

Please rate how helpful my blog was! Be sure to comment with any feedback or any questions and concerns pertaining to the topic, and I will be sure to answer!
Thank you,


  1. Boy oh boy, you did keep your promise.
    This blog was very helpful and had a lot of information that could benefit anyone in the future!
    I am very happy (as the audiance) with how well this blog was. I loved the way the colour of the font changed along with the videos to keep me engaged in the blog.

  2. If only I had found this blog when I was in high school! Definitely would have gotten higher grades. Kudos to you for sharing your knowledge, Dillon :-)

  3. Your tips on presentations were really useful. I agree with meebs that my grades would have been higher (even last semester) if I had these tips.

    Thanks D.
